Do you want something to read, with stunning artwork and a story that captures your imagination? At Black Cat Records and Comics in Dallas, TX, we have a huge selection of comic books, manga, and more. We also have collectibles of your favorite characters! If you want a new issue, or have a gap in your collection, we can help!
Finding New Content
Are you an avid comics reader, or someone who’s never picked up an issue before? If you’re a collector or mega fan, then stop by! We have a team who loves as much, if not more, than you do, and can help you find the missing pieces of your collection. If you’ve never read one before, then we’re going to be so excited to help you find the stories you didn’t know you needed. We’re open and eager to help anyone, whether you want to find a major flagship title from DC or Marvel, or something indie and weird. We also have underground comics and foreign prints too! You can also pick up toys, statues, figurines and POP vinyls too!
Back Issues
We have the most recent titles, but we also have plenty of back issues in our long boxes! This is a great way to catch up on old storylines before a movie or show comes out, or to find the missing bits of your collections. You’re welcome to peruse our selection, and we can help!
Do you like manga? Awesome! Do you have an unhealthy obsession with them, one that threatens to destroy your personal life and job prospects? Even better! We have a selection that spans decades of the art form, and the newest books too! In addition, you can find collectibles too, from books and shirts to statues and figurines. If you’re as obsessed as we are, then you gotta stop by!
Keep an eye on our Events page and our Facebook page too. Every now and then we bring selections from our store to events in DFW. Recently we took Spider-Man comics and collectibles to a screening of No Way Home at the Alamo Drafthouse. We also take part in Free Comic Book Day, and also host podcasters, DJs, and local bands in our store. If you want to learn more about any events, give us a call!
Stop By Our Dallas, TX Comic Book Store Today
Our team is ready to help you find just what you’re looking for in the world of manga and comic books! To learn more about our store and our selections, you can contact Black Cat Records and Comics in Dallas, TX, by calling (469) 913-7079. We’re open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am until 6 pm, and are closed on Sunday and Monday.
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